Sara Stein, Founder of MamaThis
After having my second child, I found that being a mom and wife, plus managing a full-time job was challenging every day. Getting it all done was a constant juggling act, leaving me exhausted and frustrated. I attempted using several apps to help me manage everything, but that almost felt like another job to do. I was left wanting – wanting so many things. I wanted more time with my family, I wanted to be the best mom every day, I wanted time and happiness for myself. I knewthere must be a better way!
What if I could be everything to everyone, while helping other moms like me? I decided to come up with a mom-based solution to help us all obtain the elusive goal of “life and happiness”. After all, who knows Mom Life better than other moms?! This network would give me the opportunity to broaden my mom village through my trusted peers. I envisioned a one-stop-shop that would build a trusted network of moms through an easy-to-use app. Whether the user was in need of help, or could offer their assistance to another mom, this one-of-a-kind community solution would allow moms to have more time for family, simplify life, and potentially earn extra money.
That solution is the MamaThis App, the only app that lets you get the help you need from other moms you trust. Want to help other moms or earn some extra cash? You can do it all! More time with family, more time for YOU, and more money for extras. The MamaThis App can help.
It all comes down to your “This”. So…What’s YOUR This?

Sara Stein, Founder of MamaThis

My name is Sara, but that is not what my family knows me as; to them I’m “MaMa” or “Mommy”, depending on which kid you talk to. I am a mother of 2, wife to 1, a maid, short-order cook and role model to my entire family… plus I have a full-time job.
After having my second child, I found that being a mom and wife, plus managing a full-time job was challenging every day. Getting it all done was a constant juggling act, leaving me exhausted and frustrated. I attempted using several apps to help me manage everything, but that almost felt like another job to do. I was left wanting – wanting so many things. I wanted more time with my family, I wanted to be the best mom every day, I wanted time and happiness for myself. I knew there must be a better way!
What if I could be everything to everyone, while helping other moms like me? I decided to come up with a mom-based solution to help us all obtain the elusive goal of “life and happiness”. After all, who knows Mom Life better than other moms?! This network would give me the opportunity to broaden my mom village through my trusted peers. I envisioned a one-stop-shop that would build a trusted network of moms through an easy-to-use app. Whether the user was in need of help, or could offer their assistance to another mom, this one-of-a-kind community solution would allow moms to have more time for family, simplify life, and potentially earn extra money.
That solution is the MamaThis App, the only app that lets you get the help you need from other moms you trust. Want to help other moms or earn some extra cash? You can do it all! More time with family, more time for YOU, and more money for extras. The MamaThis App can help.
It all comes down to your “This”. So…What’s YOUR This?
I envisioned a one-stop-shop that would allow mothers to build a trusted network by inviting moms to the app to either get the help they need or take over everyday responsibilities for moms in need.